PRIMAL HAIR - Hair Growth Vitamins

It’s MORE than just a multivitamin; salon-quality PRIMAL HAIR is a drug-free botanical formula designed to restore hair health and vibrancy. Unlike treatments and creams, PRIMAL HAIR is designed to naturally re-invigorate hair from the inside out. 



Consistency is key to seeing results from PRIMAL HAIR. It is recommended to taking PRIMAL HAIR for at least 3 months. While the following results are not guaranteed, most people will experience the following benefits, including hair regrowth and hair restoration, over time. Click Here to learn about what you should expect and when as you continue to integrate PRIMAL HAIR into your daily supplement regimen.

Check out our Gold Club. Just 4 capsules a day will bring visible results after three months. Join our Gold Club to enjoy LOCKED-IN savings as you continue to implement PRIMAL HAIR into your daily routine.

Hair Growth Vitamins for Men - What Vitamins are essential?

Remember; not taking proper hair growth vitamins for men can put you at the risk of hair loss. Making these vitamins an essential part of the food you eat and the products you use is essential. Following are the vitamins that need to be a part of your life; give an eye.

  • Biotin

All the cells in your body require biotin. In case of the lowers levels of biotin, you can be at risk of hair loss and rashes. However, by using products that contain biotin and by eating the food that contains biotin, you can avoid it.

  • Iron

In order to get oxygen carried around your blood, iron is extremely necessary.

  • Zinc

Zinc is best for almost everything! Not just for making up proteins not only for your hair but for every other body part of your body and its cells, zinc is necessary.

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Ask a Question
  • Can a person safely take this if on high blood pressure meds??

    If you have a medical condition(s) or taking prescription medication(s), we advise you consult with your doctor before beginning any new dietary supplement, including PRIMAL HAIR l…just to be safe.

  • If this is all natural ingredients why is it more expensive than Rogaine, Viviscal or anything else out there?

    PRIMAL HAIR's formula is the only botanical formula that holds US Patent (not just "Patent Pending" or patent on individual ingredients). It is also back up by clinical studies on the formula. It contains 2,900 mg per daily dose of clinically efficacious dosages. This is a truly herbal supplement and not is not vitamins or minerals.

  • Does PRIMAL HAIR contain genetically modified ingredients?

    PRIMAL HAIR does not contain any genetically modified ingredients. 

  • If you have long time hair loss would this produce hair in bald spots?

    If the follicles that were in that spot are dead, it will not produce hair in that spot. Only a hair transplant would do that. However, if the follicles are simply dormant (alive but not producing hair) you may see them sprout new hairs in that spot. I would use the product for 3-6 months to see if you have any activity in that spot. Take before and after photos to document your progress. Massage those areas to increase stimulation of blood flow during the use of PRIMAL HAIR. Please feel free to contact us again for any additional insights. 

  • How big are the capsules?

    They are 00 capsules (0.921 inches in length).

  • Does this product works for people with Alopecia Areata?

    Yes. Our studies show that people with Alopecia Areata will benefit from PRIMAL HAIR. After using this product for 2-3 months, you should expect to see signs of hair regrowth.

  • Can I take this product when I am still breastfeeding my baby?

    It is not recommended to use PRIMAL HAIR if you are still nursing as one of the ingredient will reduce the production of breast milk. It is best you begin taking PRIMAL HAIR after you stop breastfeeding.

  • How long do I have to take this product to reduce my hair loss?

    By introducing PRIMAL HAIR to your daily supplment regimen, most people can expect to notice the reduction of hair loss or thinning after 30 days of use. However, if you are looking for new hair growth, it will take 2-3 months before hair regrowth begin. Pleaes check out our blog on "What to Expect While Taking PRIMAL HAIR?"

  • Is this product safe to use with metformin?

    This would be a good question to ask your doctor as he or she knows more about your health conditions than us.

  • Is Primal hair safe for pregnancy or people trying to get pregnant?

    Ingredients in the PRIMAL HAIR are food ingredients that are safe to consume. However, we would suggest you to consult with your doctor if you are in the process of trying to get pregnant, pregnant or nuring. Many of our customers are new moms that are taking PRIMAL HAIR after they stopped nursing to minimize hair loss and hair regrowth.